

We recommend that participants fly into either Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) or Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR).

The trip from LAX to Caltech by car may take between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on traffic. The expected cost for a taxi or Uber/Lyft ride is around $80-90, without tip. To use a taxi or Uber/Lyft ride, you will need to take the shuttle from your terminal to LAX-it.

The trip from BUR to Caltech by car may take between 30 minutes to 1 hour and costs around $50-60 for a taxi or Uber/Lyft.

Rental cars

There are rental car options at both airports. Caltech campus visitors may park at any commuter (unreserved) stall on campus with a daily or weekly permit. Visitor permits are required for all campus lots between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and may be purchased at automated pay stations within the lots. View the campus map for parking locations. At these parking structures, weekly permits can be purchased for $27 and daily permits for $9.

Public Transportation

For traveling from LAX to Pasadena through public transportation, LAX Flyaway offers a shuttle service from LAX to Union Station. For more information on this service, please see the following webpage. From there, travelers can connect to the Metro Gold Line to Pasadena. Two convenient stops on the Gold Line to campus are Lake Station and Allen Station. Lake Station is an 18 minute walk from campus. From the Allen Station, Pasadena Bus #10 connects to the Caltech campus.

For traveling from BUR to Pasadena through public transportation, one can take the LA Metro 501 – Noho line to Pasadena Express. It is also possible to take the train from the Bob Hope Airport Train Station to Union Station, and take the Gold Line to Pasadena. For more information on traveling from BUR to Pasadena, please see the following webpage.


Below is list of hotels based on distance to campus.

Hotels within a 10 min drive:

Hotels within a short drive (10 – 15 min):